About GoBroad Healthcare Group(GHG)


The needs of the patient come first

Mission and Vision

Questing for Excellence in Diagnosis Treatment | Exploring Technological Innovation | Create Possibilities in Life


Clinical-oriented innovation tech-platform ARO(Academic Research Organization)

GoBroad Healthcare Group (GHG) has always adhered to the value of “ The Needs of the Patient Come First ” , and is committed to building a clinical-oriented innovative medical technology platform for innovative medical technology with the mission and vision of pursuing excellence in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, employing technological innovation and pursuing the hope of diseases.

Founded in 2017, GoBroad Healthcare Group focuses on clinical treatment, clinical research, reference laboratories and information technology. GHG has joined hands with a group of top-notch medical experts with rich clinical experience and scientific research backgrounds to create a unique“Academic Research Organization (ARO)”. The organizational strategy is to build an innovative medical ecosystem of“clinical discovery-basic research-industrial transformation-clinical application”and improve the efficiency and quality of development in the biomedicine industry.

A research-oriented hospital is an important carrier of the ARO mode, and GoBroad Healthcare Group is a pioneer of the research-oriented hospital mode in China. The GHG currently operates seven hospitals in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, with a combined open bed capacity of nearly 1500 beds. The GHG focuses on innovative and research-active specialties such as solid tumors, hematological diseases and brain science. GHG has established professional service fields including a Phase I clinical trial ward, a central laboratory, an early-stage clinical research center, while providing clinical pharmacology, medicine and statistical analysis.

With the medical mission of treating severe diseases that have proved to be difficult to treat, GHG has brought more treatment options and hope to the vast number of patients with severe diseases that are difficult to treat. With the scientific research mission of promoting medical innovation, GHG has served hundreds of innovative pharmaceutical companies in a large number of innovative drug clinical trials. Advances in medicine are stemmed from idea that encourages innovation, and improvements in innovation are derived from the practice of embracing medicine.

GHG Business Layout

Medical Center

  • Disease-oriented, high-end medical center with cutting-edge technology
  • The "Last Hope" for difficult diseases

Research Center

  • Build a closed-loop clinical research system to integrate clinical discovery, basic scientific research, industrial translation, and clinical application to accelerate research transformation

Integrated Diagnosis

  • Pathologist leadership, integrated clinical and diagnostics, diagnostic qold standard
  • Wide application and practice of new technologies to promote innovation and transformation
  • A proprietary research and innovation platform featuring integrated diagnosis and treatment

Data Intelligence

  • Clinical data integration, new-generation information system
  • Practice and innovation of digital healthcare and the Internet

Academic Achievements

The innovative research outcomes have led to numerous "world firsts" or groundbreaking advancements.
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